2023 Potentialpark Talent Communication Rankings

Explore the leading employers worldwide who excel in understanding candidate needs and effectively implement this knowledge in their Talent Communication strategies. Discover the top talent-friendly employers across different aspects of the candidate experience, including Career Website, Applying Online, Social Media, and Professional Platforms.

Potentialpark employees on stage holding award

Our Rankings proudly showcase the employers who prioritize and excel in cultivating a talent-friendly environment in Germany, France, Italy, USA, Europe, Asia, and Globally.

Is that you?

Do you want to be part of the Potentialpark Rankings?


Our Methodology

We use a 3-step approach:

  • Based on all market relevant features, adapted yearly since 2002 to keep up with candidate expectations and market developments.

  • Study based on the Criteria List which discovers the needs and expectations of candidates from across the globe, conducted annually.

  • Evaluating employer career channels according to the Criteria List and candidate expectations. Top performers from previous years, and representative employers in key industries and markets are evaluated.

Our unique dual methodology allows us to discover what is most important to candidates and how well employers are executing it. Our Rankings celebrate those who are successfully meeting the needs of candidates and reflect the competitive landscape of employers in the local, regional, and global markets.