Our Solutions for Employers

As thought leaders in the field of Talent Communication since 2002, we bring the voice of candidates to the table by providing knowledge and insights to help shape the future of employer branding, talent acquisition, and talent communication.

Every year, candidates worldwide take part in Potentialpark’s Communication Studies and Experience Panels to share with us their expectations, preferences, and needs during the job search and application processes. Our in-depth analysis of this data helps local and global employers improve their career channels and stay up-to-date with what is important for young talent.

Potentialpark helps you to:

Our Services

  • Talent Communication

    Build channel strategies that meet talents’ expectations

  • Talent Communication Lite

    Move quickly from insights to candidate-winning actions

  • Talent Experience

    Test the quality of talents’ experience with your channels

  • Azubi Solutions

    Azubi Solutions

    Build channel strategies that meet pupils’ expectations

  • The data shows us which content exactly is of significant importance to applicants. This helps us sharpen the scope of our projects and continuously improve and adapt what we do to what the talent market requires.

    Alexander Hohaus, Manager Employer Branding, Gothaer

  • Interesting learnings and very concrete things we can start doing and improving!

    Noortje Schravesande, Recruitment Marketing Specialist, NN Group

Get insights across your key career communication channels

Career Website

Career Website

‘Information about the company, company culture, contact and interaction, blog content, and more.

Applying Online

Applying Online

Job search, job ads, application functionalities, ATS providers, and more.

Social Media

Social Media

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok

Professional Platforms

Professional Platforms

LinkedIn and Indeed, job ads, Glassdoor, Kununu

Candidate Journey

Candidate Journey

Where do candidates go to look for different forms of information and at what stage in their journey?

Available in your market!

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Put talent first in your career communication

Fill in the form and one of our Talent Communication Specialists will be in touch soon!